Extra Mile Club: Meeting Over the Summer 2018

Extra Mile Club
2018 Summer Meeting Sites Information
Mentors, would you like to continue meeting with your mentee over the summer? While not required, when you do, you become a member of the Extra Mile Club!
- Summer meetings (once, once a month, once a week or more) can foster relationship growth and may make a fall transition easier.
- Any TeamMates match may meet at any site regardless of age or school affiliation.
- Dates, days and times will vary by site.
Here’s how to get started!
Step 1:
- Ask your mentee if he/she is interested in meeting over the summer and which school/site is most convenient to their home, or if they are enrolled in a summer program and at which site.
- Mentees can walk, ride their bike, or get a ride from a family member or friend. Note: Mentors may not transport the mentee to or from a summer meeting site for any reason.
Step 2:
- Choose a site that works best for you and your mentee. Click on the site below to view specific dates, times and contact information.
Step 3:
- Download the Summer Meeting Communication form. Here’s a few things to know about this form:
- You complete the mentor section of the form.
- Give this form to your mentee to take home to have their parent/guardian complete their section, then have your mentee return it to the TeamMates facilitator at their school before May 24, 2018 (the last day of school). After May 24th, the form needs to be returned to the TeamMates office by email (sblizek@lps.org), by mail (TeamMates, P.O. Box 82889, 68501), or by dropping it off (5905 O Street).
- Once your TeamMates facilitator receives the form, he/she will give a copy of the completed form to you and the parent/guardian. This way, you will have the parent/guardian’s contact information and they will have yours for the sole purpose of communication regarding summer meetings (scheduling, reminding of, and canceling/rescheduling meetings).
- If you need any assistance prior to May 24th, please contact your TeamMates facilitator at the school. Though not preferred, it is acceptable for the facilitator to contact the parent/guardian by phone for permission in lieu of sending the form home. The facilitator would then complete the form.
- Beginning May 24th and after, please contact the TeamMates office (402-436-1990) for assistance.
Step 4:
- Upon receiving a copy of the Summer Meeting Communication form from the facilitator, contact the summer site supervisor or designated person to let them know when your first meeting will be.
Step 5:
- Depending on the length of time between receiving the Summer Meeting Communication form and your first meeting, you may want to contact the parent/guardian to confirm the date and time, especially if the mentee is not enrolled at the site.
Future Meetings:
- Contact the parent/guardian to arrange for future meetings.
- Record future meetings in the sign-in booklet at the site so you don’t have to contact the site supervisor every time.
- Mentees/parents/guardians may need a reminder from you before each meeting. It’s a good idea to ask them to come early so they are there when you arrive.
Questions? Contact Stacey at sblizek@lps.org or 402-436-1990.