Fall Kickoff

Lincoln TeamMates annual Fall Kickoff is a fun and exciting event for mentors and potential mentors to prepare for a new school year of mentoring.

Fall Kickoff 2024

On August 5th, 140 TeamMates mentors braved 100-degree heat to celebrate the start of the new school year. Along with TeamMates staff, mentor and co-founder Tom Osborne was on hand to welcome mentors and students, as was Superintendent, Dr. Paul Gausman, who became a TeamMate himself last year. 

While mentors munched on Freddy’s steakburgers, they played board games distributed throughout the East High cafeteria.

Game-playing as a get-to-know-you strategy was the common thread for the panel of three 2024 LPS graduates who shared their 8-9 year experiences in TeamMates with the crowd. 

The panelists included Aaliyah Barnes, a graduate of Lincoln High and KB Esau and Brianna Mowry, both graduates of East High. Each talked about unique challenges they faced growing up, including death of a loved one, navigating adversity, and needing a reason to go to school. 

All attendees took time to reflect on their aspirations for the year responding to the question: What do you want to be true for you as a mentor in a month, six months, a year? 

Highlights from past events can be found on our Past Fall Kickoffs page.