2018 Recognition Event Registration
Registration is closed. All paperwork is due by end-of-day Thursday, February 2.
Thursday, February 8, 2018, 5:30 PM
Lincoln Station – 201 N 7th Street
Required Paperwork
All matches must complete a Meeting Outside of School Plan form. Please turn this completed form into your school facilitator by Thursday, February 1. The form includes an image release for the mentor, mentee, AND the signing parent/guardian.
Additional Paperwork
If you would like to invite your mentee’s parent/guardian to attend as your third party guest, we have provided an invitational letter for your mentee to give to his/her parent/guardian.
If your third party guest is someone other than the parent/guardian who signed the Meeting Outside of School Plan Form, they will need to sign a Third Party Image Release Form. Please return this signed form to your school facilitator by Thursday, February 1.
If you are transporting your mentee (grades 6-12 only), please email the following information to Lynne Carroll at lcarrol@lps.org or fax to the TeamMates office at 402-436-1948 by Thursday, February 1.
- Copy of valid driver’s license
- License plate number and state where vehicle is licensed (this information can be written on the copy of your driver’s license)
- Copy of “Declarations Page” of auto insurance policy (a copy of your insurance card is not enough). The minimum personal liability coverage must be $100,000/$300,000. Your insurance provider can send the Declarations Page directly to the TeamMates office with your permission.
If you have any questions, please contact the teammates office at 402-436-1990