Jessilyn Vraspir

Role within Lincoln TeamMates:

As a TeamMates Project Specialist, I have an integral role in working with Lincoln’s public and private schools to support mentoring. I serve the community on the northeast and east sides of town.

Top Five Gallup Strengths:

  • Futuristic
  • Adaptability
  • Relator
  • Ideation
  • Deliberative

Who was your mentor? What lessons did they teach that stuck with you?

Anyone can be a mentor! Over the years, I’ve learned that the most influential people are the ones who are inclusive, allow you to be unapologetically yourself (and be proud of it), and, most importantly, focus on your strengths. 

What is one of your favorite memories of your own TeamMates match?

My mentee is one of the sweetest people I know, with much potential. She always brings a smile to my face with her quirky personality, fun-loving, and curiosity. No matter what, it’s always a good time.