Cactus Crafts for a Cold Day
Mask on? Check. Body temperature normal? Check. Covid-19 self-screening complete? Check. Visiting Lincoln’s most vulnerable citizens means holding their needs uppermost. That’s what TeamMates service projects are all about, a match spending time together considering the needs of others and taking steps to make life a little brighter for someone else.
With close to 60 residents, GracePointe is one of several assisted living communities in Lincoln that provide care and support for adults who need help to make day-to-day living more manageable and safe. When Lincoln TeamMates staff delivered two boxes of paper cacti during one of the coldest days of the school year, we couldn’t help noting the irony – a real cactus that thrives in sunny, hot conditions wouldn’t survive just anywhere. But a paper one is cheering without needing any care at all.

“These are really going to make our residents smile,” said Brenda Potter, Life Enrichment Assistant for GracePointe, “especially the ones on the memory unit. We’ll make them centerpieces in the dining rooms.” She showed TeamMates staff members Christine Davis and Stacey Blizek one of several restaurant-style dining rooms. “We took down our Valentine’s decorations so this will be a nice surprise for them.”
Christine and Stacey were lucky enough to catch two residents and give them a sneak preview of the centerpieces. Madelyn, a bona fide plant lover, had her own gift to share, a stunning grouping that she’d planted to greet visitors at her apartment door. Jerry, a former physiology professor, knew all about TeamMates, “I wish I could be a TeamMate, but my condition now doesn’t allow me to.” They both graciously agreed to have their photos taken with our staff.
“Our hope is that the residents will see the cacti and know that there are others in the community who are wishing them sunny days ahead,” said Stacey.