Give to Lincoln Day 2020
Like so many organizations, TeamMates has felt the impact of Covid-19. We cancelled two key fundraisers early on to do our part for public health and safety and that means your generous gift on Give to Lincoln Day is more important than ever.
You can securely give a gift to Lincoln TeamMates from May 1- May 28 at Give to Lincoln. No matter the size of gift, Lincoln TeamMates will receive a proportional share of $500K in challenge match funds through the Lincoln Community Foundation.
Will you help share the Lincoln TeamMates story you know so well? Here’s how:
- Share your TeamMates story in a Facebook post with the link to the TeamMates Give to Lincoln page:
- Share your TeamMates story in an email to friends dedicated to youth work and include the link to our Give to Lincoln page
- Use #GiveToLincolnTeamMates in your social media posts
- Update your Facebook profile with our TeamMates Give to Lincoln frame
Please feel free to use the story template below:
I’ve been a Lincoln TeamMates mentor for [insert #] years. I’ve watched my mentee(s) grow in ways neither of us could have imagined. For example [insert a specific example without sharing any images or personal information about your mentee] My mentee(s) and I are one part of the Lincoln TeamMates story. I urge you to join me in supporting the 1240 Lincoln youth already meeting with a mentor to reach their full potential and to help recruit mentors for the 700+ waiting youth. Please consider a donation to Lincoln TeamMates on Give to Lincoln Day.
To learn more about how your donation will impact our organization, please visit our Support page.