Stacey Blizek
Stacey is match support specialist to:
Role within Lincoln TeamMates:
As a TeamMates trainer, I love meeting new mentors and helping them to feel prepared for their mentoring journey. I am a Match Support Specialist for schools on the Northwest side of town as well as the schools downtown.
Top Five Gallup Strengths:
- Learner
- Maximizer
- Responsibility
- Connectedness
- Relator
Who was your mentor? What lessons they taught stuck with you?
Early in my career in youth work for a non-profit agency, my supervisor was a wonderful mentor to me. She taught me what I needed to know and then turned me loose to succeed or learn from my mistakes. She was always there to provide guidance and support and helped me grow into the professional I am today.
What is one of your favorite memories of your own TeamMates match?
Making slime together! We tried a handful of different recipes until we found the perfect one. We both got a little obsessed about it and had so much fun!