Christine Davis

Christine Davis

Grant Management Specialist

Role within Lincoln TeamMates:

I am delighted to bring my strengths to bear in the areas of grant-writing, donor relations, mentor training, and striving to make real our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Top Five Gallup Strengths:

  • Strategic
  • Learner
  • Intellection
  • Connectedness
  • Input

Who was your mentor? What lessons did they teach that stuck with you?

Maybe the reason I am drawn to TeamMates is because I lacked a mentor. I know what it feels like to navigate alone, when it would help so much to have a person whose part in your life is to remind you of your strengths and help you know you can carve your path whatever comes. Honestly, I relied on my teachers A LOT to fill that role if they had the time.

What is one of your favorite memories of your own TeamMates match?

I’m terrible at choosing my favorite anything! Any time that I see trust grow for us, or the wheels turning in my mentee’s head, or we stumble on another thing we have in common, or we share from each others’ creative lives (art or writing) my heart cheers.