Audrey Watson

Role within Lincoln TeamMates:
I serve as a Match Support Specialist to schools that are (mostly) South of O Street. I also handle our data reports and tracking visits to ensure the program is meeting our goals. One of the aspects of my job I love most though, is co-directing the Community Service Projects with Stacey. I love the ripple effect of our matches serving others and creating memories in the process.
Top Five Gallup Strengths:
- Discipline
- Positivity
- Achiever
- Responsibility
- Learner
Who was your mentor? What lessons they taught stuck with you?
My mentor, Angel, is a friend that I was in choir with in my hometown of Omaha. I met her when I was right out of college, and she showed me what true success is: having those you love around you and giving back to others when you can. She is always there for me, checking in and cheering me on. She has such a giving heart, and I appreciate the kindness she shows others without exception.
What is one of your favorite memories of your own TeamMates match?
My mentee is one of the funniest people I know, and I always tells her she “keeps me cool.” Did you know the dab is not cool anymore? She told me that once while she did a TikTok dance. I was so proud of her confidence to dance in front of me, and it has been amazing to watch her grow in her confidence and her leadership.