Slithering into the New Year
In October, TeamMates matches made over 200 paper snakes for the Asian Community and Cultural Center. Each January, the Asian Community and Cultural Center celebrates the Chinese New Year. This is a time to usher out the old and bad and bring in the good and new. In January 2025, it will be the year of the snake, which, in the Chinese zodiac, represents wisdom, charm, elegance, and transformation.

The Asian Community and Cultural Center offer so many resources to families in our Lincoln community. Just to list a few – there are groups for youth, adults, and elders, scholarships, and a summer camp for elementary students. There are also English language classes and citizenship classes offered to anyone in the community.
Each year, the Asian Community and Cultural Center celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by putting on a celebration for the community. There are games, multi-cultural demonstrations, Asian cuisine, and more. This year, the Center plans to hand out the paper snakes made by TeamMates matches to all the participants. Be sure to check out their website for more information: