Let the Sun Shine
On cold winter days, it can be easy to feel down and lonely. This is even more true for senior citizens in our community. Oftentimes, as adults get older, their social supports drop off and they can begin to feel more lonely. Some studies say 1 in 3 adults reported having no companionship, leading to a decline in mental and physical health.
TeamMates mentors and mentees worked together in November to create and decorate sun catchers for residents at Eastmont Towers. It is our hope that these sun catchers, with inspiring messages, like “You Are Loved” and “Let the Sun Shine”, can bring a boost of happiness to these residents.

Eastmont Towers is a not-for-profit Continuing Care Retirement Community that offers seniors every service they may need. There are spaces for independent living, assisted living, memory support, and nursing care. A resident at Eastmont can stay there even as their health needs change.
We are excited that TeamMates matches made enough hearts so every resident can receive one. We hope this brings some joy and love into the new year.