Lincoln TeamMates Email Exchange

TeamMates is happy to offer the opportunity for matches to stay in touch via email. While this does not replace weekly meetings, we feel that it could be helpful for staying in touch, especially over breaks.

To maintain boundaries and honor TeamMates policy, a liaison at TeamMates will serve as your virtual mail carrier. TeamMates will review and forward your email with the mentor/mentee email addresses removed.

Please send your first email letter to using the subject line “Message from your TeamMate”. We’ll do the rest!

Some Guidelines for Written Communication

  • We ask that you email your mentee with unconditional regard, meaning that if your mentee does not reply, you don’t take it personally or hold it against them. 
  • Let your mentee know that you care, that you value the relationship, and that health and safety is the primary focus at this time.
  • It is okay to acknowledge what is going on and engage in a dialogue about the pandemic. Download Search Institute’s tip sheet with ideas for actions during these uncertain times with young people. They are based on Search Institute’s Developmental Relationships Framework, which articulates key elements of relationships that help young people be and become their best selves.
  • Understand and honor your emotions and the emotions of your mentee, including the range of reactions that may be expressed.
  • Be in it together. Let your mentee know that you are in this together and are here to help.

Please click here to see a short FAQ list to support your email exchange with your mentee.

Thank you for your commitment to your TeamMate and to our program!