2017 Carmen and Tony Messineo Community Involvement Award Winner: Ameritas
The vision statement for Ameritas reads, “We are the company that our customers, our partners and our associates are proud to call theirs. Together we will touch more lives and help more people.” Here in Lincoln, Ameritas has taken this charge literally.
Over a span of 18 months, Ameritas more than doubled the number of mentors among their employees. At the time of the award, with 53 active matches, they were just behind LPS for the highest number of employees mentoring. They have actively participated in recruiting efforts, but also work to support their matches. In winter of 2016, Ameritas held a game drive to help provide activities for schools where their TeamMates are meeting.
Ameritas mentors gather for quarterly mentor networking sessions to discuss their match successes. The importance of this support is evident as 54% of Ameritas mentors were included in the 2015-16 “24 or More Club.” This is a group of mentors and mentees who have met at least 24 or more times during the past academic year.
We thank Sue Wilkinson, the Ameritas corporation, and all of the Ameritas mentors, for the care and commitment you have shown to the young people who have been mentored as a result of Ameritas’ dedication to Lincoln’s youth and to TeamMates.